Tuesday, April 21, 2009


There are people in my life that make me want to live. They save me from myself and the tortures I have to face on a daily basis. There were so many times when I've doubted everything, times when I questioned everything, and times where I didn't even have the energy to move, to think, to feel. And everytime, I am blessed to say, someone has picked me up. My friends, my family, someone, anyone, would walk in and help me to notice them and their beliefs. As they do so, as they show me themselves and how they love me, I see beauty, I see deep love and affection, and I see a reason to start smiling.

But as much as one can stand by you and advise you about the situation you're in, I know that the only person that heals you, that saves you, is you. For only you have the power to do so. No one is a victim of circumstance unless they allow themselves to be.

Do not misunderstand me, and think you don't need these people- as much you can uplift yourself alone, you often need someone to clear the fog in your mind and give you start. A boost. A reason.

For me that reason is love. Love and astonishing beauty. The kind that exists beyond bodies of earth. The type that you can only observe deep within an incredibly good soul. And once I recognise its existance inside my friend or family, this material, corrupt, cruel society seems minute to the board spectrum of love that I could contain.

Once I start feeling again, that ray of sunlight softly encourages me to love, love, and love some more, and soon I begin to remember who I am, and just how much I love to love.

Hating and blaming, in this life, brings nothing but even more pain and emptiness. One can get so engrossed in the cause of a loss, that it completely prevents you from living, loving and embracing your true self. I've come to realise that even though it's difficult at times, forgiving someone is often the best cure for you.

Yajna Ramdass

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