Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Its time i spoke of love..

Hmmm.. I find myself awake.. Slightly restless but in a mood to talk about love. What is love? The path to truth? God? Isn't it one and the same thing?

Hmmm.. Well..if it is our task is to love completely, than we will find ourselves on the path to truth- the ultimate truth some may call it, for it is about you, me, the entire universe and the core reason for our existance.

Hmmm.. So now that i've determined i should love, how do i love? What does it mean to love? The truth is, I don't really know yet. I just love. I don't know how i do it. I just do. Love is everything. My thoughts, my actions, in everything that i am.

Hmmm.. So Who am i then? I can only speak for myself, when i ask this question- for within each person resides their own answer. Well, personally, i don't seem to know completely who i am yet, but fear not, for each day i learn more. I have set myself up for a journey of discovery while reaching for my dreams.

Each step that i take, towards something that i ultimately love and see myself being, i will learn to love around me. I will love all that i can in each step, i will love my family, my friends, moments, butterflies, everything... but most of all myself. I will start to love myself again, and who i am, and who i am becoming. I will do this, so that along my path of discovery, i will be able to define what love means to me, and as i find myself, i will love more and more, getting closer and closer to the truth.. Whatever it may be.

I have a funny feeling that at the end of it all, i smile at the truth and see that the truth itself, is me. Who i have become, how i love, and how i learned to love everything and nothing equally.

Yajna Ramdass
8 Jan 2008


Anonymous said...


Enjoyed this! I strongly agree that it is time to speak of Love.

Love is evolution and thus the Law of Nature. It is everything and nothing!

I also look forward to continued discussions!

Ray Gratzner said...

I Think: So many bad things are justified by love. Maybe love is not what we do or think about it. Love is a fundament on which your indviduality unfolds.

The Observer said...

Yajna, I visited the guy's blog. He doesnt seem to be arabic. It was a weird text right there, I guess maybe it is Iranian. I tried to give him some comfort and told him to contact either you and me if he needs any help.

You are an angel :)

Will said...

Nice entry. keep it up.

Luv_ said...

Thanks William :)

Ray- Although many bad things are said to be justified by love, we must not forget that most, if not all, good things are made from love. Love is undefined, simply because we are all here to find our own definition of love. If love had a true form, we'd all have to conform to it one way or another, and indiviality, free will and each person's freedom to find their path of self discovery will seize to exist. Love is what we make of it, and as our 'self' unfolds, so will our defintion of love.

Luv_ said...

AVC... I found some of your old comments by accident. I absolutely love the manner in which you write and speak of love and the world. I hope you are well and I hope you still write. Do u ? Do u have a blog or a space where u do? I would love to read and write once more...!